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Add your name telling Republic Senators to show up for work and do their jobs.

Oregon Senate Republicans swore an oath to work for the people.

But in the last two years, we’ve seen these same Senate Republicans trash that oath by staging a walkout and refusing to vote on critical issues when they don’t get their way.

Oregon’s GOP legislators are following the examples of the anti-democratic national Republican leadership, walking away from their duty and protecting their party instead of people’s lives.

These walkouts are a blatant attack on democracy – a clear signal that these legislators don’t care what the vast majority of Oregonians want - sensible gun safety, strong action on climate change, and affordable health care.

It’s time to take action now and demand our public servants show up to serve the public they swore an oath to.

Sign the petition to tell Senate Republicans, “Do your job! No more walkouts.”

Sign here:

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